Saturday, October 4, 2008

Politicians; Representatives or Servers

What I'm Thinkin';

I hear politicians say they want to "serve" the people.

I need a representative.

These are not the same.

We have been "served" a bailout.

Had we the people been "represented" we would not have a bailout.

We continue to be "served" the war in Iraq. Yet the vast majority of people do not support the war in Iraq. Where is our "representation"?

Fear driven politics are very popular in these modern times, not to mention the hurry hurry hurry tactics. Swindlers and con men use these same techniques to trick people out of there life savings.

I would like a "representative" who actually did what the majority of the average people want. I say this even if I am not in the majority.

We often hear we, the United States of America, are a democracy. We are NOT. We are a Republic.

In a Democracy everyone votes on every issue. In a Republic a "Representative" is selected to represent the people.

In my opinion we are a Republic without representation.


Timothy James Maki


Ani said...

Hi Tim,


Nice to see your new blog. You are so correct saying that we are a Republic and not a democracy. A democracy can become a mobacracy. Then the majority wins. With so many at the public trough the people who don't slurp at it are soon outnumbered.

Most people don't know that government is our largest employer.

In a Republic the representative will vote his concsience as to what is the best for America; not what is best for him or her to win the next election. That is why it is so crucial for us when we vote that we vote for the person and party that best represents what we believe. People that do not vote in the primaries are making a huge mistake. After they are over we are left then with 2 choices in the Nov. election.

Also I am so glad our forefathers created the Electoral College.

Just MHO...Flicka

Ani said...

Hi Tim,


Nice to see your new blog. You are so correct saying that we are a Republic and not a democracy. A democracy can become a mobacracy. Then the majority wins. With so many at the public trough the people who don't slurp at it are soon outnumbered.

Most people don't know that government is our largest employer.

In a Republic the representative will vote his concsience as to what is the best for America; not what is best for him or her to win the next election. That is why it is so crucial for us when we vote that we vote for the person and party that best represents what we believe. People that do not vote in the primaries are making a huge mistake. After they are over we are left then with 2 choices in the Nov. election.

Also I am so glad our forefathers created the Electoral College.

Just MHO...Flicka

October 5, 2008 12:15 PM