Monday, October 6, 2008

Amnesia of the Masses

What I'm Thinkin';

It was not very long ago when there was a huge push to invest Social Security funds in the stock market. Remember? It was early in 1999, not even 10 years ago.

I am compelled to write about this with the current state of the Stock Market. Imagine for a moment if Social Security funds were invested in this mess.

The real tragedy is that "we the people" forget so quickly. Amnesia.

That was a narrow escape. A wake up call. When are we going to learn; wherever there is money, thieves want to steal it. They missed getting the Social Security funds so they just came another way.

700 Billion dollars. Now I hear that 700 Billion is not going to fix whatever is broken. I knew that, a gut feeling. Many people did. Those who "really" knew (the economists) could not stop it. Why? Because they could not be heard above the screams and cries, "we must act now or all will be lost!"

"Fear economics"; will happen again.

I wonder if we will have amnesia when the thieves come back for more? I hope not.


Timothy James Maki

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