Tuesday, October 14, 2008

McCain vs Obama: Pro Life, Pro Choice, and War

What I'm Thinkin';

I do not understand how those who are against abortion can support a war.

John McCain intends to continue the "Bush" war in Iraq. In December 2005 Mr. Bush announced that approximately 30,000 Iraq civilians had been killed in the war. Currently the civilian death toll has been estimated at 655,000. Mr. Bush and his Administration have stated this number is to high, but they do not know nor do they want to know the real number of civilians killed.

Pro-life fights for what is believed to be the life of an unborn child, very noble. But then to have little to nothing to say about an estimated 655,000 people, who were definitely living human beings, being killed by our bombs and bullets in Iraq?

Pro-life condemns abortions. Yet, I never hear pro-lifes concern about civilians killed in war. What is even more bewildering to me? I meet pro-life advocates who support war!

Since the Vietnam war the US has only counted its own casulties in war. We do not number the enemy killed or civilians. Why? Because this helps to create the illusion of our own righteousness. Without hearing the "bad stuff", we imagine that only the bad guys are being killed. You know, like the "smart bomb", it is shown to us like it only kills the enemy. This is not true. War is not clean. War is very dirty. We even kill our own troops in "friendly fire". How much more the civilian who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, or we just hit the wrong target? We will hear little to nothing about it.

Abortion may be killing; some say it is, others say it is not. I think we all could agree war kills people, including civilians.

There is a difference between Obama and McCain when it comes to life. McCain supports war and Obama supports "choice" for abortion. Choice does not mean a women "must" have an abortion. It means they have a choice. In war civilians do not have "choice", they just die.

I have to say, if Christians spent as much time evangelizing as they do fighting over abortion there would be more women choosing "life", because of their faith. I would suggest instead of calling people murderers that they tell people God loves them and Jesus died for their sins. I would not even mention abortion, the Holy Spirit will take care of that.

Civilians are the greatest casualty of war. Babies, kids, women, elderly.... it does not matter. Remember Japan? The Bomb? Or how about London in WWII? In the country where the war is happening civilians die.

I hear most Americans oppose the war in Iraq. Does this stop the war? No. In this respect we are the same as other countries; when political leaders want war there will be a war, even if the citizens of that country do not want the war.

I am sad over 4,000 Americans have lost their lives in Iraq.

We are the most advanced war machine in the world: if we lost 4,000 soldiers I wonder how many innocent Iraq civilians have really died? You know, the ones we went to liberate.


Timothy James Maki

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